Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Wish I Were There

It’s Monday. And out there, about two hours from where I write, is a pool sparkling under a fireball that is nuking the concrete surrounding the cool pool to 104 degrees, or something that feels much hotter. […]

Posted in Design, Style, Travel

Has Street Art Finally Jumped The Shark?

Was nothing sacred? Had Banksy slipped into a Fjellse bed with Ikea? As we stood at the entrance of the Ventura Lambrate subway station during the recent Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, I interrupted my eye roll at the rough black-and-white pasted figures on the granite walls with the realization this was probably just another mainstreaming of street art. […]

Posted in Art, Design, Travel

We’re Back!

We’ve been on the road and in the air since April 4, covering thousands of miles to reach Edinburgh (holiday in a castle), London (friends and design), Milan (design+furniture fair) and finally Palm Springs (A+R Toy Lab at the Crafting Community). […]

Posted in Craft, Design, Food and Drink, Style, Travel

Love My Dolly

Joline, Joline…Dolly Parton was entreating as adamant as ever on BBC Radio One, as we drove from Cumbria, where Andy’s father lives, to the outskirts of Edinburgh in Scotland, home of the crazy castle Andy chose to both celebrate his 50th and bring together his family from all parts, including Wales and Australia…

But back to Dolly Parton. […]

Posted in Music, Style, Travel

JPG Reins Supreme

Regrets, I’ve had a few…Truth be told, they are very few since I find it counterproductive living life that way. But one regret I cannot shake is recently lingering in Nashville and skipping out on the opening festivities in San Francisco for the Jean Paul Gaultier retrospective at the de Young Museum. […]

Posted in Books, Costume, Design, Fashion, Style, Travel

Road Trip: Artisan in Paso Robles

Part of the pleasure of a road trip is the discovery of delicious places to fill our bellies. On our somewhat-spontaneous adventure to San Francisco this last week (to catch the final hours of the SFMoMa show on elderly design icon Dieter Rams, and, across town, the first days of the nascent star Miss Nora Woods) , we found such a place for lunch after our first night out, in wine country Paso Robles. […]

Posted in Art, Food and Drink, Music, Travel

As Seen In: Rescued By Design

We want to hop a plane to Rio or Bangkok after reading Michael Kimmelman's story in Sunday's New York Times on the new show "Design With the Other 90 Percent: Cities."

Organized by the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum but exhibiting in the United Nations visitors’ lobby, it focuses on projects worldwide turning slums into more humane, modern places to live. […]

Posted in Current Affairs, Design, Style, Travel

A Last Gasp for Balenciaga

Better late than never. That was certainly the thinking when we set out after a long day in the store on Sunday evening for San Francisco, a six-hour drive north from home which ended the following morning on July 4 when we arrived inside the parking garage at the de Young Museum to catch the closing day of “Balenciaga and Spain."

It was well worth the impromptu road trip, as I'd hoped after receiving the sumptuous catalog on the show from our dear manager Rafael for my birthday in May. […]

Posted in Current Affairs, Design, Style, Travel
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