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- Not even 26 when this snapshot was taken, nevertheless, this woman, in a new country and a new life, took to mother… https://t.co/8L7rbnJl20,
- A cuppa, a blank page and a whole lotta books on #undergarments. Another day, another chapter... #writerslife… https://t.co/daDswbDP2U,
- Sixth time experiencing the #legend that is #PlácidoDomingo, and he never disappoints. His spin on “El Gato Montés”… https://t.co/rxF0BU1iHU,
- May-born babies as we both are, my #sister #BlancaApodaca, you stand apart. From songwriting and singing, playing… https://t.co/5Z5fpLkjX6,
- So adore this woman, gaigherardi, and everything she + her @laeyeworks cofounder barbaramcreynolds have imagined +… https://t.co/EMl9eIyHfP,