With influential style makers such as jewelry designer Annie Costello Brown, textile designer Rachel Craven and footwear designer Beatrice Valenzuela, the Echo Park Craft Fair is not your usual neighborhood craft fair.
It’s a dream boutique, showcasing some of the most creative, edgy and arty folks on the west coast—and all on the east side of L.A.. Among the three dozen fashion, beauty, food and interior artisans to check out are A+R fave Christie Frields of Baron Family Jewels, as well as Me and Arow, All for the Mountain, the Juice Maids and Moon Canyon Flowers. The weekend event opens today, Saturday.
See you there!
Echo Park Craft Fair, May 12+13, 1461 Carrol Avenue, Los Angeles 90029. Open 1 to 5 p.m.
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