new obsessions
We just got this life-sized mirrored skeleton from the French-based design collective Domestic, and I'm nuts for it. Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel of Belgian cult duo Studio Job are behind the 5-foot-5 laser-cut Perspex wall decoration. The influential pair have worked with ceramics heritage house Royal Tichelaar Makkum and fashion avant guardians Viktor & Rolf.
Also love the "I Love Me" hearts by graphic designers Ich&Kar. The pair have given their whimsical take on fashion, food, music, design and architecture--and now these laser-cut mirrors. It's a grouping of individual mirrors that can be configured in whatever pattern you desire.
Now if I can only figure out where to stick them all in our house!

The Charming Charms are the bonafide bijoux of summer--their $22-$40 price for 3, being part of the appeal. Dutch designer Tord Boontje and L.A. studio Artecnica collaborated on this brand new collection of charms, plated in 18-karat gold or sterling silver and dangling from a black cotton cord. Loop them on hoop earrings, off a metal chain or silk ribbon, or from your purse. Each group contains 3 charms, and there are 4 different groups to choose. I love all 12 together, and knot them individually on a cord so they can be seen better.

what's in store?
July 28, 2009 11:57 AM  (go back to main view)
Hold the Olives: Splinters from Mame Dennis' Martini Glass
Filled with the shards of a 1920s cocktail glass.
It started with a question that appeared curious enough: Name three heroines who I resonate with the most. Oh, and the statement: Don't ask why.
The outcome was an Arcanifact, the one-off objets meticulously and wittily rendered by Scot D. Ryersson. By day, this gentle man is an award-winning graphics designer for major films, here and abroad. After those official hours, he's an essayist, illustrator, interviewer (Tim Burton and Ann Rice, among his subjects) poet (published in the New Yorker, no less), playwright and, with his equally talented other half, writer Michael Orlando Yaccarino, gatekeeper of the legacy of the Marchesa Luisa Casati (turn the sound up when you visit. It's a riot.)
As you fashion buffs and aesthetes know, alive or dead, the Marchesa has been perennial muse. A notorious, charismatic eccentric, her tale is beautifully recounted in Infinite Variety: The Life and Legend of the Marchesa Casati, a well-reviewed and -received book Scot and Micahel released nearly a decade ago. Get it.
Definitive as that book is in stories, however, the duo are releasing a much more visually rich tome this October, The Marchesa Casati: Portraits of a Muse.
Then there is Arcanifacts. Literally, things conceived based on Scot's fascination for the phantasmagorical and arcane. Mine ranks as one of the most imaginative gifts I've ever received (and, dear Readers, I've been uber fortunate to receive many inspired and creative gifts in my lifetime, including the moustachioed portrait you see partially here that my sister, Blanca Apodaca, painted for me this last birthday! Both reside in my dressing room, which is in another period zone altogether in contrast to the modern style of the rest of the's my own den of arcanifact+fiction.)

The gifts just keep on keeping on. Scot is, thankfully, documenting his work now online, and my bottle is the latest feature. The posting includes the clever wrapping and narrative surrounding it all.
Gracias dear Scot and Michael for making the world a more beautiful place.
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