new obsessions
We met Christophe Vialle at Maison Objet in Paris this spring and fell madly for one another--and his indoor garden boxes, which he calls Haute Culture. Besides grass, there are soil packs with seeds of herbs and peas, too. We've got them in colors and clear plexi. I love the mini Haute Culture boxes, too, because they can be hung on the wall, even spelling out a letter or word.

Total geek? Or Greek? These pant clips are inspired by Hermes, Greek god with the winged sandals. Amsterdam designer Gijs Bakker was aiming for bicycle safety with these fluorescent PVC strips, as well as cool. But it seems the kids snatching them up at our shop in Venice also give it glowing marks as a club/party accessory, wrapped around their arms. Love it.

what's in store?
May 08, 2009 12:32 PM  (go back to main view)
Tauromania: Blanca and Rafael
The Original Octobabies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out today to two members of the A+R family:

BLANCA APODACA -- Painter, children's book illustrator and writer, singer, songwriter, musician, snappy dancer, goof ball and sister extraordinaire! (Her new album, "Butterfly Core" will blow your tube socks off. Several tracks on her MySpace).

RAFAEL NEGRON -- A+R manager, superstar salesman, design fan, salsero, hot guy, swell dresser and loyal friend.

You make our lives better.


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Blog Comments (3):
Posted by courtney l... on May 17, 2009 5:40 AM
rose its courtney at the chateau i need an interior decorator for
some of Soho House ( aha thats my leverage babee in la) my new managers office my rental i just got i want all nacreous and Black and Silver and greya nd Blue nd gold wich i wa told by the feng shui master i believe in alot that thats it i have no water so lots of fountains and a few cheat waterclour pinks have the furniture builder gabe, his insane chesterfield and eually sized ottoman is cheaper than P Barn! hes a GOD! BUT 1 this is a rental until NYC and this is about three investment pieces, one Rose Tarlow Chair one pair of Black very high Nancy Corizone nightsand tables, and an active ebay account as mine is all wierd cos i decided to go to ebay fr and pretend i was ar a french flea market but i had to go pick stuff uo they didnt tell me this in francais, the investments is into the Prelle Upholstery that my 33% off designers liscence wont get me i dont have time and presently until we play Dubai not much money i a,m exec producing a 60/80 film ( why ? its a flannel shirt a baby and a cod scene or nine!) so a PD whow ants that job would do and they also if theyd ont rape me get to do the NYC BUY in the fall, and the Uk Purchase after the tour records gone from Blood on the tracks aspirations to Diamond Dogsmeets the wall, dont even ask its an EPIC, anyway also up atthe mortorium insane house ( Bluestone my new uk commerical sposnor managers have gotten me a chaplin house on de longpre t=for my semastresses, for samples we send to ITALY nottlling you here who my backers are but ohhh yeaaah aint no celeb line with this high end before!) im even MAKING some interior stuff but i suck as interior designer no matter howmany books i read, so they dumped 1000s of books and boxes and gothic to Majorelle cabinets on my head with alot of broken stuff and alot to sell have sold Cristos alot but need to run a "Couture Garage Sale" asap., putt eh Majorelle at lachapelles empty house turn the reupholstry pieces into a seperate storage space and i need someone who knows Lanvin from Thea let alone 1850 to 1860 ( i scored Langtry Lilys ESTATE my dear!) also if you have a BRILLIANT seamstress were looking, i have an amazing pattern cutter and gareth Pugh introduced me to my partner, Pipa shes the Phoebe i think i may just be the Stella one never knows we play pretty even hes St Martins im 24 films and a few years at Palace and Paramount/Western, can someone sortthe clothes while someone else sorts the books and papers into legal papers and financial papers ( theres some serious holy grails in there in 2 boxes i found a conspiracy to sell eom to a 479 Billion capitol land developer way back in 06, wich is now being collatorised, i found 48 million "garmished" by the banker at Comerica and i foudn contracts so illegala nd 5 fake power of attorneys as well as 101 pre approved by cnb credit cards and the 32 people some who are not real to use them to buy land on the estates of KC me and trust of Frances, it justr needs to be piled up and ready for the forensic, ( wow its gonna be fun getting over 100,000 properties back includingthe old knickerbocker hotel on 1446 1450 boradway 300 m pruchased with kurts ssn for a 2m wamu loan, wow!) letthe awyer peopel do that ineed a aserioous organiser, and a serious non rapits isthere such a thing interior decorator and 3 organisers, the paper organiser, the clothing organiser and teh furnishing aorganiser, its in a 5000 square foot moritorium /storage space mponster house, really gruseome, but the coliur limits helpedme simplify and i need barbara aT Rick Owens or someone who speaks french to call prelle and place my order bartering hopefullya s the Saturne i want is allegedly 2k a YARD is that insane? i know but its forever, so maybe a francais speaking person can talk em down my emails fouled up, you gotta call me at the chateau wilbe getting aprepaid so psycho ex bf cant cycberstalk me anymore, this credit cleaner ahem guy wants 200k o clean my ssn, to 800, what about my entities! there more important? why the hell isnt someone doing something about all this goignto see Oliver ( s ) abouyt hsi financial guy whose a monster, but anyway, i wa sthinking you shoud move to sunset plaza w geminola west, and a coffe ban my friends mon is engaged to the guy who owns traceys old corner, i caN get you in, let me knowif youca nhelp soho house in la i mean thats fucking enticing and then ohg sorry i need you to help me with the guest list for the couture garage sale, with loads of crapola too but hey it was Kurts Crapola and his sweater sold for 600k. so well, well see, seriously shes got to kow Good Worth from so so Phliadelphian, i havce SERRIOUS textiles, and again the caliof bungalow is so cute to work in for the samples and muslins but im sick of upcycling when i pura pumpikn pplique ina n old vionette the store skirt with poppy yellow velvet i was like uh, i think thats it, have tons of silveed lace and lame cocardes etc, so if you knw a gorl who knows how to create on the manaquon lemme know im choosing wardrobe for the film wich starts inabout 9 mos so i can atthe very least get her in the guold and people would die to be onthsi film i just foudn tu i can give otu ass prodicer credits like candy and make asssloads more money than i was led to believe and am uber lucjy asthe deal is totaly ilegal and i have funding, and stars, mega ones, so call me if youc an help, my gothic ohase is there, my majorelle is there, a ue et mar mirror broken is there it needs beveled oval mirror ork etc, if my film mentor lady hasnt got them youd o, and illd o ya proud the Muleavys can move on over, courtney what email did yousend this to? i JUST foudn it
Posted by Lucy Kohne... on May 09, 2009 11:55 PM
Yay - Love me some Peaches!!! OXOXOX
Posted by Blanca Apo... on May 08, 2009 1:05 PM
Crazy Girl! I love you are the best sister ever!!! (exclamation poinnnnts for yooooou!!!...know how how ya love 'em: hee!!!) Thank you for always being here, for being my FUN and goofy sissy, for teaching me so much about living it up and for the good times we've had working, playing, miming, roller derby-ing, feng-shui-ing, groovin', snappin' and dressing up together. Can't wait till the 21st...wewhoooo! Glam Dance! Jazz Hands! Viva la Birthday Season! I love you, Le Cheese. PS: dewuznodriva-indaka. ;) heeeee!
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