The editor’s picks of the best of outdoor chairs for summer is the lead feature of today’s Home edition of The Los Angeles Times, and at the top are the folding Pan-American chairs by Industry of All Nations. We are one of three shops any where that carry these chairs, made here in Los Angeles by handsome Argentine brothers Fernando, Juan Deigo and Patricio Gerscovich.
Less than a year old, the company is commited to combining environmental and social awareness and promoting fair trade. They convert classics such as these chairs, made of poplar or hickory, by updating their production process and with functional tweaks. Case in point, these fold. Their canvas espadrilles are biodegradable and their selvage denim jeans are 100% organic hand-loomed twill.
I love the lighter poplar version for indoors, and have both featured at the Abbot Kinney store. Come in this weekend and receive 10% off with the code: La Vie En Rose. They’re going fast! Seriously.
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